Daisies are quite a fragile type of flower. The petals can curl and fall out with just the slightest abuse. I love daisies. In many ways they are like us, our spirits. The media we are exposed to has just as subtle effects on us, as the wind and rain do on this delicate flower. 

   Earlier this day, I was exposed to some different types of music. The contrasting messages in the songs set a very different mood in my mind. The first, an upbeat Cha-Cha, which I used to dance with my little brother. However, the lyrics were not at all upbeat. The tone was dark because of the story told by the words about someone wasting their life. It left me feeling a bit down, despite the peppy beat. 
   Alternatively, I heard a spunky song my husband turned on, that made me feel light and happy. The content of the lyrics was about singing and dancing. The message matched the tune. I was astonished by how two "happy" sounding songs could have such a gap in the feelings they produced. Words truly can set the tone for emotions. 
   What I encountered today made me realize that what we listen to, whether that be active or passive, has a correlation to how we feel. It made me think about songs that have negative messages or cursing that we chose to listen to. We have a choice of what we will allow. My goal for this semester and my overall purpose for this blog, is to post weekly about the various media I engage with. 


  1. I love the analogy to daisies. If I want my spirit to be like something, I think I'd pick a daisy :)

  2. This is great! I love happy music, it really makes a difference. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love it and how you made it so relatable!


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