Distance of a Newspaper
Week 12
       Today I had the privilege of hearing from an apostle. Elder Ballard had a fireside for Provo temple workers. In his message he told this amazing story about a newspaper. His ancestor had joined the church and moved from England to Utah. Later in the story a man showed up to give a newspaper to the daughter. She was told to give it directly to her father, and no one else. She did as directed. When her father got the paper, on May 18th, 1884, he noticed the date and location the paper had been printed in. The paper was dated May 15th and was printed in England. It is a miracle that such media of the time could even be there that fast. Elder Ballard then told us how he looked up that old newspaper to find out what had been written on it. The article he found contained all the information necessary to do temple work for the friends and family of his ancestor. The reporter had been so amazed by the grave stones at the church, that he wrote down every tombstone. Elder Ballard's ancestor was able to do the temple work for people he knew back in England, because of the newspaper that had been given to him that contained the information. God will make things happen. We can trust him. It was a wonderful devotional. 


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