
Showing posts from November, 2018
Titanfall Week 10       This past week my husband talked me into getting a cheap X-Box with a couple of games. He was especially excited about one game in particular, that he had loved playing. He was so thrilled about this opportunity, he pulled out his phone to show me the trailer of the game Titanfall. Right off the bat there were 2 curse words. My husband apologized, not remembering there being any. Barely any time past when there was a death. It started me off on my coding brain. In the whole short clip I counted around 14 deaths. These had no consequences and were portrayed as the right thing for the hero to do. As soon as the clip ended my husband looked at me for my response. I think he expected the usual "Oh, I don't like first person shooter games, the end." However, the first words that escaped my mouth were, "Fourteen people died in that clip." We both decided despite the lack of carnage, (since it was machines with people inside fighting other
Star Trek Week 9       This past week I re-visited some old Star Trek episodes and I was quite surprised by the differences that the old have compared to the new. In the Star Trek originals there are many references to religion and Christianity. In one episode Spock says about a man who died from eating some fruit, "His name... was Adam." In another episode Uhura ends the show with the words, "Captain, they weren't talking about the Sun. They were talking about the Son of God." I find it quite interesting how the newest Star Trek I've seen, Star Trek Enterprise, has developed. There is no religiousness to be found. There is also a great deal of sex and questionable material. The violence is more real. These shows are in the same universe, yet the time at which they were created vastly impacted the content of the show. This example of the two Star Trek series demonstrates how people in our society are being desensitized to the violence and sex in the med
The Riddle Week 8       This past week my younger sister excitedly handed me an earbud to show me the music she was listening to. I was very surprised by what I heard. I wasn't familiar with the song. She started lip-syncing the lyrics. They were very entertaining and I was enthralled at once. The message of the song was whether to trust someone, or whether it is better to betray them before they can do anything to break your trust. The song is from the play the Scarlet Pimpernel. Many lines made me pause and think. My favorite one is at the beginning when the girl voice sings,  "Just see how virtue repays you - you turn, and someone betrays you. Betray him first, and the game's reversed!" My sister made quite the face as she forcefully sang those words. She was so animated throughout the whole song and I was amazed at what we expose young adolescents too. This play is about guillotine of the upper class and how a person works to undermine this. The mess