The Riddle
Week 8
      This past week my younger sister excitedly handed me an earbud to show me the music she was listening to. I was very surprised by what I heard. I wasn't familiar with the song. She started lip-syncing the lyrics. They were very entertaining and I was enthralled at once. The message of the song was whether to trust someone, or whether it is better to betray them before they can do anything to break your trust. The song is from the play the Scarlet Pimpernel. Many lines made me pause and think. My favorite one is at the beginning when the girl voice sings, 
"Just see how virtue repays you -
you turn, and someone betrays you.
Betray him first, and the game's reversed!"
My sister made quite the face as she forcefully sang those words. She was so animated throughout the whole song and I was amazed at what we expose young adolescents too. This play is about guillotine of the upper class and how a person works to undermine this. The message is rather dark, and this little song my sister sang to me intrigued me. This is considered a classic. I find it interesting that many "classics" have deeper meanings that can be dark. It makes me wonder what could change if we gave our youth different required readings or media. Messages that are uplifting could make all the difference to that age group that struggles with so much drama. Feel free to listen to all the lines. This song provokes thinking....


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