Not Just Music?
Week 2
     Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days. I had music in my dance classes and while I was at work. Then Wednesday arrived and my husband in great shock discovered that I had never seen the movie "The Music Man." He promptly turned it on beside me. 
     It had not occurred to me that media wasn't just music. I was impressed by the movie for one big reason, it was old. Normally people don't think of  old movies as being very engaging. I absolutely loved it! I could recognize the change that form of media had undergone throughout the past 50 years. The actors in the show knew how to sing, dance, and act! Movies now days people don't even have to really act or become the part. We can make so much fake with computers and such. I found it rather refreshing to see something real. Every dance had to be learned and practiced. All the songs had to be rehearsed and sung. Without the advances technology has made, people had to be good! I think I have found a new love for old movies because of the skill exhibited by the people preforming. 
     This is a clip from the show. Notice that everyone is dancing incredibly, even though they are just extras or minor characters.This scene doesn't even do too much to forward the plot along. It is just a nice pause to let the actors show their talent to the world. Having been exposed to this, I think I will be more open to watching old movies.


  1. I LOVE OLD MOVIES. Haven't seen this one though, so looks like I'll have to get to it soon. :)


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