Seen in Day's Past/The Skirt You Wear
Week 7
      This past week in class we were prompted to count acts of violence that occurred in a short clip from the children's movie "The Incredibles." Since that class media I have been exposed to has had a filter on it. By that I mean, I can't watch a movie without counting how many acts of violence were portrayed. The best example I have of this is when my husband showed me a movie from his childhood: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
      This movie's target audience is kids. However in the movie, and one scene particularly, the king keeps failing to murder his wife. It is meant to be comical, but when taken out of context a viewer could find this rather dark. He is trying to kill her, and it is funny. In this clip from the movie there are 4 attempts on the life of the woman, not including one from earlier in the movie. I don't think I ever noticed that aggression in kids movies has always kind of been around.  

      On another more serious note, I was shown a picture that set me thinking. I was in class listening to a lecture on women and culture. One of the slides I was shown had this picture blown up on the side. It really got me thinking. One topic of our discussion was on rape victims. Some people chose to discredit and blame the victim because of what they were wearing when they were raped. This picture makes me mad. I'm not just upset about the higher up word, but also the ones below the knee. I wear long skirts. I love long skirts. Yet in this picture it is portrayed as a bad thing. Too short you are a slut, and too long you are an old nun. These stereotypes are unreal. I love how this picture challenges this.


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