Week 13
      Inspirational- I watched a YouTube video this week that prompted much thought from me. The theme behind it was passion and the message was powerful. It made me question what I was passionate about. What does passion mean to me? Well, I think passion is something you are willing to suffer for. It's something you want so badly to achieve that you will make difficult sacrifices to get there. Passion is what has made our world so great. People excel in things they are passionate about. This benefits the whole world. I've reflected on what gives me drive and as I've done so I noticed something very interesting. I can't think of a passion of mine that is not in some way connected to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the light that allows us to have these passions.
      Comedy- On a lighter note, I saw this wonderful video in my class about how we can apply what we learned this semester. The prompt was "with what you have learned, what will you do now to change things?" The example shown is this comical clip, "Thank You Scott-SNL" Obviously a huge change can't occur over a single post to your 84 friends. However, bringing awareness is key to helping change. Before my class I didn't even understand what privilege is. Now I know how to use to help make change and support my fellow mankind. We can erase injustice. It starts with us. 


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